Tequila Lime Chicken Pasta


Marinated cooked chicken (I had a little more than half of a breast of Tequila Lime Chicken cut into thin strips)
½ onion diced
1 jalapeno diced, stems and seeds removed
¼ colored peppers cut into strips (I used red, yellow and orange)
1 lime
Handful of fresh cilantro cut or dried is fine too
1 teaspoon of minced garlic
1 cup chicken stock
2-4 tablespoons of tequila (I used 4)
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 tablespoons lime juice
4 pats of butter
1 ½ cups of heavy whipping cream
16 oz spinach fettucini (I used linguini because it’s all I could find)
Boil pasta until al dente. Drain and set aside. In a separate pan add garlic, half cilantro, jalapeno and onion with 1 tablespoon of butter. When onion and jalapeno start to get soft, add broth, tequila and lime juice. Crank up heat to high to let alcohol reduce. In another pan sauté peppers and one tablespoon of butter. I added diced mushrooms and a handful of frozen corn too. Let the veggies get soft. Add sliced chicken and soy sauce. Turn down heat on tequila, broth and lime juice mixture. Let it thicken and add whipping cream. Add peppers and chicken to sauce. Toss with cooked pasta. Top with fresh squeezed lime and rest of cilantro. It’s like a smoky, fajita kick with pasta and cream. So good!

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