Breakfast smoothie

I am so not a breakfast person, I always joke and say, “Let’s just skip to lunch.” I could honestly just have coffee and be fine, but I find myself way too hungry hours before lunch. Also, forget about trying to work out or have much energy before eating something. So my go to has been smoothies. I make these packets ahead of time. Depending on how many “bags” you want to make.IMG_6158

1 bag fresh spinach
5-6 fresh bananas cut in half
Fresh pineapple cut into pieces

I make a variety of these, sometimes they have fresh blueberries, strawberries, or even peaches too. It just depends what we have on hand or what is in season. Place fruit of your choice with spinach and bananas in bags and freeze. When you want to make your smoothie just dump the bag in the blender with a handful of ice cubes, ½ cup of juice of your choice (Pineapple juice is my favorite, but minute maid fruit punch and even orange juice is fine too) I add a Greek yogurt cup (usually strawberry) and sometimes half of an avocado. Just blend and enjoy. It’s an easy fix for busy mornings. Plus my kids like them too!

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